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Afrika BILD EN

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Do Nov 29, 2012 10:40 am

Dear readers,

I figured that it might confuse some if we keep posting both the German and the English Afrika Bild in the same thread.
Also the mixup of languages in the comments doesn't help readability.
Therefore I created this new thread dedicated to our English AB readers.
Actually to all readers who don't want to read Pasch' rants in the original unfiltered German version. jocolor

Cześć - Bardzo mi przykro w tym czasie polska wersja nie jest planowana.
... after all my English AB would lose 90% of its audience

So for starters I'll repost the latest Afrika BILD EN from the 28th Nov. 2012.


Zuletzt von tja am Do Nov 29, 2012 12:46 pm bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Afrika Bild EN 28.11.2012

Beitrag  von_Tja Do Nov 29, 2012 10:43 am

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Wednesday 28.11.2012

Morning drunken

What a wild start into the week. Now that everyone saw how much fun we all are havin' in Africa finally the Europeans woke up, too and started to discuss frontlines and rearranged alliances to rejoin the path to honor.
But between us - who gives a fcares about Europe? tongue

South East a colorful battle blossomed: blue green grey.
Blue- the established folks. They seem to be undecided whom to fight. They get pushed around a bit from all sides but refrain from any decisive retaliations - the area behaves like a discotheque with too many people on the dancefloor Very Happy

In the beginning the Grey did get some momentum and did well but the seem to be unable to leave the coast. They appear to be in need of a driving force. I would have considered 2E to be it ... but ... no show.

The Green did a spirited start. We will see if they are here to challenge the big ones in Afrika or just to fill in some gaps.

Tesla, Kvors and IMO dominate central eastern Africa. They really brought in a stir and a new dynamic. Now the common way to deal with them seems to be changing the diapers and plea for a NAP and to avoid any battlefield action.

No real news from the East.
Honey, I Shrunk the WT ... at best rabbit
The preferred way to go seems to NAP, NAP, NAP. So in case a new allied clan shall join the fight map then ... let's take this example: here we have a Europe proved, extremely tough clan from the new S-GH ... no SSGHB ... hmm.. HHSB ... dammit ... gottagotake a look GG-H alliance, there we have it! Very Happy - then we give them land to still their mighty urge to conquer.

These two new clans in the North of WT are the new strike force in Africa. A bunch of ferocious warriors from the tiniest swiss valleys. Ooops the other half of their alliance still needs to land - but then - so I was told - then: Woe to Africa!

The North

Red vs. BabyBlue continues. The front direction changed and now largely runs East-West.
4TP tries to flank the Red in the South. This would be a perfect moment for the DarkBlue to stop talking and to start acting Cool

Last weekend WHY got lost and took some provinces by accident and the BabyBlue performed real well. So PZK had to run. To a nice place. The instructions are clear. We will dig in. We will be like a rock .... rumors have it our spades are already worn out sunny

While fleeing PZK tried to conceal their true identity and changed color to look like the enemy... we got some paint from our romanian allies which they had from a friend of a cousin's shop ... you know ... cheap ... you can see it on the map tongue

All the best from the Central Illizi Citadel

euer Pasch

Afrika BILD EN Vo55677,1249948868,gemma_atkinson_sexy_on_screen

translation and all related errors by Tja Razz
yes, it is not strictly a 1:1 translation this time affraid


Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Sa Dez 01, 2012 4:09 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Saturday 01.12.2012

December, it is cold, grey, unpleasant ....not - because we are still / again in Africa sunny

The PZK plan was to make a short CW break but what would be Africa without us?? lol! Our commanders had already donned their leisure suits and were looking forward to some nice peaceful evenings ... perhaps doing some XP runs at the most ... but were taken by surprise by their soldiers. They invented some new tactics (great job Ameisearmee ! ) and took a BabyBlue landing zone during the test phase.
So on we go.

I heard that a certain BabyBlue North Africa Victory party was cancelled farao

In the SouthWest there are still intense fights and the clans appear to be on equal footing. Like in ancient times in the real world this area is dominated by many Warlords who constantly fight it out between themselves and also internally tongue
Neither DarkBlue, Green, LightGrey nor LightPurple manage to get the area organized. Please call 0800-DarkRed if you wish our consultancy. ^^

Korpi sits unmolested on 1200 for 9 consecutive days und watches its neighbors shell it out - good job.

LightYellow pulled some nice diplomacy stunts and gained land again.

NorthEast - pirat
Let's start with [GG-H] ... what? you don't know them? Excuuuuuse me Sir!!
Come on, just look at the map and you'll find us there! ;-) Just like others and we do.
In spite of its strong and CW battle proved allies WT still got a big spanking administered by TESLA and KOVRS. They are now down to 2 provinces.
Too bad - I had plans to land in Matrouh - now we are again busy in the WesternWest.
@WT don't let some trolls in the WoT forum get to you!
Good luck for future battles.

Now @all - I wish all "African Clans" a nice weekend - let it crack
und keep Africa the interesting place it is. drunken

lg Pasch

Afrika BILD EN Keeley10
translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Fr Dez 07, 2012 2:26 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Friday 07.12.2012

HoHoHo......oops one day too late -.... santa

And the leading color is .... oh bugger it's still BabyBlue. But let's start from the beginning ...
The Grey alliance now got the upper hand and now dominates the South West. Y-_-Y pushed through coming from the South and we'll see how they will influence the DarkRed-BabyBlue dance.
DarkBlue ceased to exist. Their northern remains joined DarkRed. AOS is new in (South) Africa and a very interesting clan to watch out for - let's keep an eye on them.

Oh my, the Golden ... they let themselves be pushed around without ever taking the initiative. WT was pushed from the map ... was it inability to help or did it happen on purpose or because of a lack of guts? After all there is an ominously frequent policy of NAPing with each and every clan in vicinity ... just as long as they don't have to - you know - do exhausting stuff like driving tanks and such. elephant

EXS and POD settled down in the FarEast.

TESLA did a long journey and seem to have reached their goal at the 2400 province study

Does anyone have any news for me from the Germanische Gebirgs-Horde ?? tongue So far they did a spectacular entry into the African CW scene ... but I guess Africa was too noobish for you and you are already back in Europe....

WT seems to be busy spending all the gained money. I was expecting a bit more of a fight. How can it be that first you take 25 provinces and then you vanish from the map in no time? This is sad. You guys coming back? I hope to hear from you again!

So long for now ... have fun shoveling snow rendeer

lg Pasch

Afrika BILD EN HBLdjBOZ_Pxgen_r_Ax541
translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Mo Dez 17, 2012 12:46 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Monday 17.12.2012

Peace intermission What a Face

The current situation:
The BabyBlue smurfs extended their zone from North to South Africa. Finally the Dirty White chose to intervene. They fight along DarkRed. Our friends from Y__Y removed 4TP from Africa in no time.

As we thought AOS and SBP took the key provices in the South.

The Golden alliance in the SouthEast still befriends whoever comes along. Rolling Eyes
VVT clings to a small piece of the desert but WT remains absent. Too bad I would have loved to see them back in action - after a short break.

Our acquaintance BENCH landed on the West. We sincerely hope this is not another clan who wants to go to Egypt or Europe from this starting position. Very Happy

To sum up we can safely say that there is tension rising in Africa. I tell you there'll be significant changes soon ...

Which reminds me to make a rally call to all the clans out there who want to fight!

Stop spamming the WoT forum with unrealistc dreams ... there is a lot that can be done in Africa and the goals are realistic! The target has been set ... I asked all enemy clans to take the BabyBlue ^^

The number of maps to fight on is small, take your members and join! The only way to become famous on the Worldmap is on the Worldmap albino

I do hope to see German clans join our side soon, as long as they do more than just spamming ads in the forum and praise themselves for times and deeds long past and forgotten.

best Pasch

Good old Times

Afrika BILD EN 11111110
Afrika BILD EN 33333310

The babe can be found here:

translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Fr Jan 04, 2013 12:19 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Friday 04.01.2013


Vacation time is over - Worldmap is on - as sluggish as ever

Dear Sir or Madam WG staff ... could you please finally tune up your gear so we can see at 19:00 and 20:00 who attacks whom and not just as the Special Battles pop up ??? I can't believe you need 20 minutes to calculate the round results!

oh bugger ... let's go to Africa:

In the South only the SPD of the BabyBlue managed to stay... the rest of the BabyBlue Intercontinental mission went up in dust and joined the desert sand. The DirtyWhites did a great job in this area and extended their zone of control right up to the LazyGolden tongue

AOS and FPC are now in the middle south for 30 days ... without noteworthy progress but nonetheless ^^

All of the African East is one big cuddly easy-NAP zone ... so no news there, just minor moves.

Some noisy brats landed in the West. 509 and 216 ... two typical German number clans ... damn if anybody knows why the heck they landed there (maybe a second expedition to find the fastest route to Europe?) ... let's hope their commanders know.
I assume our Romanian friends will teach them some manners. Again. ^^ Or maybe that is what they want? Wink I wish good luck to this African expedition ^^

A BabyBlue smurf team landed in the NorthWest and will get our attention. L-V seems to consist of ex 4TP players ... we will see if a new name improves their success rate.

Greetings to CZP for a good job in the North and a welcome back to Africa to 507 sunny

TAC and BIA B teams seem to have reached an agreement with the Polish and reduced their activity to set defense chips and province swaps ... what a sad sight I was expecting more.

Looks as if TESLA ran into some trouble in Egypt - no matter: this was an excellent performance rarely seen in Africa - I hope to see them regain their momentum!

Speaking of ... I hope for big battles! PZK and friends are bloodthirsty, no more cookies, tanks are fully equipped and ready for combat afro

So let's shoot


Afrika BILD EN 2871-j10
translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  Pasch Fr Jan 04, 2013 12:28 pm

good translation job as always ^^ made this topic sticky too so it`s on top all the time elephant thx dude
[PZK] Kommandeur
[PZK] Kommandeur

Anzahl der Beiträge : 6726
Punkte : 9873
Anmeldedatum : 15.08.11
Ort : Bonn


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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Fr Jan 04, 2013 1:03 pm

my pleasure, thanks!

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Di Jan 08, 2013 5:29 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Tuesday 08.01.2013

The tower shakes the tower is rocked the top falls off ... collapse ... lapse Basketball

Yesterday another lead clan of the the BabyBlue - SNS - left the map.
Again I want to express my respect for them! They were fair, nice and worthy opponents during the last weeks and months ^^

Also yesterday: In the West GC4F managed to throw L-V back into the sea. Also in the East of the BabyBlue the front line dissolves.

Finally Y-Y, XIII , GPRS ELG and WT disengaged the handbrake and started an offensive. So everything is possible in North Africa and the next days will write history.

Coming from the North coast some opportunists push inland. Like -BIA- who enjoyed a nice time behind BabyBlue and now started to take over provinces. Also 2 split offs from the yellow alliance want some pieces just as some old acquaintance PSZ ...andsoon

BabyBlue is still present in North Africa with 10 Clans, there are daily new ones coming over the landing zones - what an exciting show.

Not much to report from the South though. TH grabbed 3 provinces. Nice to see another ancient WoT CW troop ... TH was one of our first strong opponents back when we tried to learn how to CW on the Balkans and we had many very interesting battles at Mines back then sunny

A-B still dominates Egypt.

Gold-B , DirtyWhite and RustRed all control their rear. Quite contrary to some big announcements 509 GM disappeared again from the West tongue

AX will be serviced by our reinforced and rested guys from PZK2.

One part of the mighty Germanic ...name forgotten... alliance landed in Sous massa Draa Very Happy well then here is a grüezi for you rabbit

I wish everyone a nice week and successful up-leveling! drunken

No boobs today ... today something challenging ... a puzzle!
Who finds Hans? He hides in this picture ^^ difficult I know just take your time! Wink

lg Pasch

Afrika BILD EN A1366x10
translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Sa Jan 12, 2013 4:14 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Saturday 12.01.2013

The end is near sunny

It started back in October 2012 with 3 lightblue clans ... BBB PA-Pa and VICT ... or 4TP ? dunno tongue

First planned as a quick take and grab it turned into an epic war that consumed all of the African North.
At their pinnacle the Smurfs held an area ranging right from the Mediterranean all the way to Ghana. And 20 clans participating ....
This alliance really knew how to cooperate and how to place defense chips. Right after the CW - at the same evening - faster that WoT servers - all their provinces were protected at least twice by defense moves What a Face

Last year we (PZK) were sometimes facing them completely on our own and any chance of progress vanished (e.g. we got kicked off the map once and landed again on the next day) . But this year some other factions decided to oppose the lightblue, too.
Also some of the driving forces of the lightblue grew war-weary and so it happened that we now shrink the smurfs day by day rabbit

They will not survive the coming week. In Africa ^^


Egypt is now split between POD and AB. TH and AOS have the South under their control and they seem to dig in Cool

DirtyWhite and RustRed mostly keep their landing zones neat and clean.

Kellerkinder and Kellerkücken are back and joined the fray! Welcome back folks Basketball

I wish you all a nice weekend!

Special greetings to all smurf bashers Razz



Afrika BILD EN Coming10
translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Mi Jan 23, 2013 1:10 pm

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Wednesday 23.01.2013

Good mornin!!!

A new dawn - a new quick daily peek out of the window ... pfuu awlright no revolt in my village today ... thanks to WG this is all I am concerned about these days Wink

Recent changes to the Clan Wars System affects Africa more than other regions. As a result of WG's magic jigsaw it is no longer possible to keep alliances going. Strategic planning, cooperation and joint moves - gone with the wind.

I won't talk a lot about the overall big situation in Africa because it is just pure chaos tongue

The big fight (internally also referred to as the Thirty Years' War ^^) between BabayBlue and RustRed now ends in peace. We had awesome battles and both sides had their moments of glory and despair! Thanks go out to
4TP, Vict, Pa-Pa, Zjavy, SNAKE and all the others ....

Like most of the established CW clans the Panzerknacker will take a step back and observe how the map develops. A chapter has ended and a new one just started. ^^ To emphasize this and to set a recognizable signal the PZK community will change its clan colors back to our traditional color - PanzerknackerHansGrün

Of course we will keep all our ties to our allies and friends (enemies, too - upon request)

On the up side we note that Camping Clans are now a species earmarked to be extinct soon ... you can find a fine specimen in Africa in the South Southeast. pig the buffalo head that hid for weeks and successfully avoided EVERY fight now gets skinned by some poacher ^^

This is the time for small clans: Make use of this period of chaos, get some experience on the field, take a piece of the Goldcake ... if you can ^^

I and the Panzerknacker will keep faithful to Africa, even in dire times ^^

till next time

lg Pasch

Afrika BILD EN Uh43048,1271934119,83077_titten

P.S.: unfortunately WG didn't give me access to the worldmap this morning... What a Face
I'll try to make a new release soon to provide an overview who does what with whom in Africa elephant

translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

Beitrag  von_Tja Mo Feb 18, 2013 10:37 am

Afrika BILD EN Afrika10

Karte : http://wotconquest.com/#/eu/

Monday 18.02.2013

Morning Opossums Very Happy

It is time for Africa ... today with a special issue ^^
Most importantly I have to send a big congratulation to Wargaming. After the short, planned maintenance you really fixed the revolt problem real good tongue
Indeed there are now less revolts and the whole system is much more predictable and comprehensible. 4 provinces 10, 10, 10, 40 % revolt chance - boom 2 hits albino Yeah well sure you don't care that all the clans now have to pay for shrinks for their diplomats.

Now the big news: the Panzerknacker will leave Africa for a while affraid

PZK2 left the map a few days ago and trained landings. PZK will also leave the desert for some time. You can imagine that this is not easy for us. One year in Africa left their marks on our tanks and ... Africa drunken Just think about all those kilometer long latrines we have to cover up ...uahhhhh monkey

But do not fret. We will not turn into another clan with only Europe in our minds. But all good clans are drawn to Europe Wink

Situation in good old Africa
The ligthblue were shattered but the responsible alliances fared the same fate. Some former enemies turned green, others blue, others red and even the PZK changed back to their original color.
Current alliances in Africa only stretch 2 provinces far ... more is not manageable with the amount of clans here. In the south the "dirty whites" manage to keep up an alliance but even there it looks more like patch work and not really pacified ....

I am curious who will bring law and order to Africa. If it doesn't happen then we will have to do it upon our return tongue

This media (AfrikaBild) will continue even if I am not sure how frequently I'll be able to write ...
might be another pulp magazine might show up^^ we'll see how our trip turns out Basketball

Finally for all those who don't read the text and scrolled down for the pic ...

Afrika BILD EN Man-boobs


but then the Bild is a respectable news source and aims to inform you afro
So here is an actual picture taken by the PZK scouts this morning of our new landing zone ^^
Afrika BILD EN Beach_10

translation and all related errors by Tja Razz

Panzerknacker-Abteilung (Neu!) PZK-W
Anzahl der Beiträge : 330
Punkte : 408
Anmeldedatum : 19.10.12
Ort : Wien

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Afrika BILD EN Empty Re: Afrika BILD EN

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